Two written notes, two writing thoughts

Some notes can be quite a long write (see №2), and they simply won’t be written just at once, in one sit. That itself is ok, but causes concurrent posts creation to happen. Maybe it’s just lack of concentration, or probably just normal thing to be. A minor second thought - seems like aggregating next ideas or themes to write about, possible optimization to the process - is a good thing to do....

November 7, 2020 · 1 min

Branches, releases, and how to live with that?

That’s gonna be some thoughts on different git branching models, and how to handle multiple supported versions of an app. There is a great git branching model: GitFlow. It serves well, works nice for tons of different cases. For some scenarios it can be too complex, thus things like GitHub Flow or GitLab Flow were created. But if always moving forward and frequent deploys are not exactly your case - then git flow works nice....

November 6, 2020 · 3 min

100 days to offload

Recently I came across the Simple idea - just write something, do it 100 times within the year. Such a thoughts dump can actually be interesting, so I will give it a try. On average that means 1 post each 3.5 days. Just. Write. For now at least it’ll be in org-mode journal only. Probably, if it turns out as something worth sharing, I’ll switch to Hugo and deploy to my homepage....

November 5, 2020 · 1 min